Getting a period is a natural and healthy process, when women shed their uterine lining. It is a natural biological process .it is a process in which blood and tissue from your uterus come out from your vagina. This usually happens one's a month. The onset of menstrual periods in girls is the body's way of preparing itself for a possible pregnancy. It is also known as menstruation. The ovaries are responsible for the release of the hormones, oestrogen, and progesterone. These female hormones signal the building up of the uterine lining or endometrium that nurtures a fertilized egg. The same hormones signal the release of an egg from one of the ovaries during ovulation. This egg travels through the fallopian tube and attaches to the uterine lining – ready for fertilization. In the absence of a sperm cell to fertilize the egg, the uterine lining breaks down and is shed by way of a period. This lining takes on an average of around 28 da...
There are a number of ways that can provide short term relief from menstrual pain and can be easily done at home such as: Rest and relax. Taking a nap in a comfortable position or relaxing in the bathtub with soothing essential oils can help ease the pain. Application of heat is known to significantly reduce the pain. You can either use a heated pain relief pad or simply turn toward a trusty hot water bag. Gently massaging your abdomen and lower back can soothe the pain too. Try to do some gentle exercises that help in improving the flow of blood to the pelvic area. Try relaxation techniques such as guided meditations and deep breathing. If you are pressed for time and cannot rest, over the counter pain medication should do the trick. These dos and don’ts of periods can make your periods much more comfortable. But when asked about how to reduce menstrual pain in the long run, experts advise incorporating lifestyle changes such as: Cutting down your caffeine intake. Reduction in smoking...